Wednesday, January 30, 2013

So I couldn't decide if I was going to continue with my Blog but upon further request I think I'll be updating regularly now...

Okay so its been a while. I had my appointment with the specialist...I actually had 2 appointments with them...we could not find my basically either A) its somewhere in my body or B) it had fallen out with no symptoms of falling out (cramping/bleeding). As long as i'm not having any pain I think we are good. Our plan of action is after delivering I'll have to schedule an appointment to get an X-Ray done and since its a Copper IUD it should be clearly seen if it is in there somewhere.

At both of my appointments with the specialist I was able to hear and see the baby's heart beat which was a pretty exciting event. I haven't had any sonograms since. I'm pretty sure at those appointments I was anywhere from 4-6 weeks. They did say I was measuring a little small...My expected Due Date is beginning to mid August...I think at my next sonogram I will get a more accurate measurement.

I did find out at my last Dr.'s visit that I am unable to go on my planned vacation this summer because I will be too far along in my pregnancy which kind of sucks..but what can you do?

I have had a lot of different pregnancy symptoms than I had with Rami...for one I get Nauseated alot :(...I haven't wanted or craved any asian food...if you know me I'm sure that blows your mind...I'm always super tired, I have constant heartburn...Tums have become my best friend..I have also been super emotional, I mean I know women are emotional but I will read a really touching story and it will make me tear up or I will watch a episode of Baby Story on TLC and i'll just start to tear up, its just so weird....I haven't really put on that much weight but I sure do feel bigger.

Other Big news... We have told most of our family and friends...I'm working on getting a cute baby announcement made but just haven't had too much time to get that put together with school and work.

Nursing school has started back and furious! I have an exam next Wednesday! Keep me in your prayers. So far I love my new Clinical location. My first day on the floor went pretty good, no melt downs like last semester. I got to listen to a Fistula and feel it. I also got to give a PEG tube feeding and Meds Via PEG tube! The nurse I shadowed was really awesome, she was so informative and helpful. All the patients I assisted with were so friendly and inviting, it just makes me feel like THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO DO! Turned in my first Careplan of the semester today feel pretty good about it so far..but you never I feel like it always starts off that way and then you get it back and it looks like your professor bled all over your paper lol

So my only bad news of this post is that I've been randomly fainting, I'll get like really hot and then dizzy and then my vision gets blurry. Its happened twice so now I have to go in and get some tests done as well as get a form saying i'm allowed to be at Clinical that I'm not a risk to myself or patients.  So far its been an easy fix, I just need to sit down for a couple of minutes and have some water and everything returns to normal and actually both times it happened I felt wonderful the rest of the day...but it does kind of feel scary so i'm just waiting to be able to be seen hopefully soon...My Next Scheduled appointment is Feb. 20th I should be 15-16 weeks by then. And on both occasions I have had good breakfasts and have been well hydrated...I know thats everyones next question.

Hopefully I get approved for Clincal because if not this wil put my nursing school plans on hold :( which makes me super upset just thinking about it. But I pray to God that is not going to be the case.

Thanks for following!


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